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Showing posts with the label Social Distancing

Photo Tour: Disney's Animal Kingdom with Social Distancing

Here at Kingdom Konsultants, we've gotten so many questions about how the Walt Disney World theme parks have been since they reopened with the new social distancing guidelines.  Today let's take a photo tour through Disney's Animal Kingdom and see what's different. Tree of Life, beautiful as ever! First up, the crowds: there was really no point in our day where we felt crowded in.  There was always lots of space in the walkways, and we didn't notice any big spikes in crowds throughout the day. Is it really an AK tour if there aren't animals?  The animals on the safari were enjoying a hot Florida day by napping and hanging in the shade.  No social distancing needed for them :)  Dividers have been installed on the Safari trucks This is our personal "every trip we get this photo" spot.  The only difference this year? I'm wearing a mask!  Normally there are lots of people hovering around the Dinosaur entrance either waiting for people to finish their r