Get to know Agent Natalie in this week's edition of Agent Spotlight!
Name: Natalie Capelle
Kingdom Konsultant Travel
Find me on
Facebook: @natalie.capelle
Instagram: @natkatcap
I specialize in... Walt Disney World and Disneyland
Where do you call home? Originally from Gulfport, MS but now am a Denver, CO resident.
What was your dream job when you were 10 years old? I wanted to be a an architect and design houses.
Why did you become a travel agent?
I became a travel agent because I was having serious Disney withdrawal after moving to Colorado after working at WDW for four years. I miss being able to make magic for families in the parks, so I thought what better way to put my experience and expertise to use than to help plan vacations for people? I love helping people and being able to help families make memories that will last a lifetime.
Favorite vacation destination?
Right now my favorite vacation destination is Disneyland. I’ve been plenty of times, but there’s something about the classic feel of that park that just makes me feel at home. Disney World will always have my heart, but there’s just a little something extra about Walt’s original park.
This or that:
- Walt Disney World or Disneyland: Disneyland
- Mickey pretzel or Mickey Ice Cream: Mickey Ice Cream
- Rollercoaster or dark ride: Rollercoaster
- Rope drop or close down the park: Rope drop
- Flower and Garden or Food and Wine: Food and Wine!!
- Disney Resort: Boardwalk Inn & Polynesian Resort
- Disney attraction: Tower of Terror
- Disney snack: Dole Whip
- Photo spot: Pandora – the World of Avatar
- Character: Rapunzel
My family took our first Disney vacation when I was 5. Sadly I do not remember most of it, however I do remember being so terrified on Tower of Terror that I swore I would never do it again… now it’s my favorite ride!
Disney experience that brings tears to your eyes?
ALL OF THEM!! Haha. My biggest one is probably Happily Ever After at Magic Kingdom. Especially because my fiancé asked me to be his girlfriend right before the first time we ever watched them together.
Where have you traveled aside from Walt Disney World?
I’ve been to Disneyland and Disneyland Paris. Outside of Disney, I’ve been to 37 of the 50 states, Costa Rica, Germany and the Netherlands.
A bit more about you:
- Favorite Color: Orange
- Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
- Favorite Sports Team: The New Orleans Saints
- Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Let Natalie help you plan your next vacation.
Email her at natalie@kingdomkonsultant.com!
Email her at natalie@kingdomkonsultant.com!
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