Happy End of 2016, Disney Fans! I don't know about ya'll, but I will be happy to kick 2016 in the butt on the way out the door! What a yucky year. And to loose Princess Leia on top of it all was just a low blow. Ok, 2016, we get the point. Now go home. Anyway, today's post is one you will hopefully find super useful. I want to tell all of you about the three items that I always have in my bag when I go into the park. It doesn't matter if I'm taking just K to the park with me, while D is at school, D and I are having a girl's day, or even if I'm going to the parks alone... (wait, that NEVER happens!)... I always have these three things with me. (And I bet you'll start taking at least one of them with you every time after reading this!) What are these amazing items? Read on! Baby/Antibacterial Wipes Well, since I have a toddler, these are always with me anyway, but even when K gets bigger, I will always bring wipes with me. And not even for